Dec 21, 2012

All in all

I have two close friends who both are artists.

The other one is red-green color blind. He is an illustrator and before he started working with Painter program he bought colors by their names (red-something and green-something) and told me how he used to place red and green colors to the opposite sides of his watercolor palett.
He can not see the difference, only the darkness-lightness values between anything concerning these color combinations. As he told me, the way he sees these missing colors are something between brown or gray. Even so this does not affect his art:

The other artist friend of mine has a glaucoma. He is trying to paint as much as he can before he becomes blind. Glaucoma cannot be cured. He tried the medication, but it did not help so now he is facing an operation in which they try to diminsh the pressure in his eye:

About Group 1's assignments:

Visual Attention we did babdly: we just chose of the six topics two to each, and it was a bad thing since they all are related to each other. It was clearly a textbook thing and we could have got further – maybe – together.

With the other assigment Local Environment it was easier to divide who does what.
My concern was the mapping in the way the client wanted: as a blanket. The client wants two colors: green and red. I had tried all color combinations as the Global Environment group had done: from red to yellow to green with through yellow.
I knew there has to be a more simple way of doing it: there cannot be more than two colors. To keep things simple for the user: KISS-rule. So I talked the members of our group as well as the client to have the other color black. What is the good color then?

I understand the point red: alert!!! But I put black first. Yes, a negative color, but maybe we change into some other by showing a point, by making see there is as something else?

Why black is worst is because painters for some time have used to represent bad. There are examples from Soviet posters (Potjmekin) or Picasso's poster where the pigeon flies over the black guns with the green olive leave in  its mouth. These are the colors that we understand in our culture, also green is the color to which a human vision is most perceptive of.

I could of course wonder largelly of all the mathemaical equations about color, but since I'm not in to that I just wish you all

Merry Christmas and thank you all especially Markku for the great course
See you next year

Dec 17, 2012

The final presentation

Rate your environment 
our 2nd presentation

This is our 2nd also the final presentation. There is still room for improvement. Hope the current problems can be fixed in the DVD2 in spring.

Joy the app and welcome any comments!

Dec 9, 2012

Questions discussed in our presentation

At the end our our concept presentation we presented some questions that we discussed with our contact person from the ministry on Friday. After our discussion we have a pretty good view on how we are going to proceed.

The questions we presented and the answers to those are presented below.

1) How to show detailed results on the map?

How to indicate to the user what location you have chosen to view, if you cannot display information based on named areas? E.g. “Chosen location” vs. “Helsinki, Finland”
--> We won't show the user the name of the place (s)he has chosen, but will rely on their knowledge of geography. We will also display the names of major cities on the map (similar to google earth, for example).

What is the most user friendly way to move from the map view to viewing detailed results? So when will the clickable symbols appear, and from which range will reviews be displayed from?
We have been benchmarking different solutions in for example hotel booking portals and the Urban Mediator app that was recommended for us to check out. We haven't found out what the best solution would be yet, but decided to try to discuss with people who have experience in creating similar apps right when the spring's course has started, and we know what kind of resources we have during the spring.

2) Color schemes? 

Are we going to separate the expert data from common user data by using different color schemes? If so, how does the user understand the idea?
We will be using the same color schemes for both reviews, displaying them in the same view. The expert data is different from the common user's opinions essentially because this data is from country level, but it will be good to have at lest some data in the beginning, so the results section isn't completely empty, and all parts of the world have been rated at least once.

3) Logging in?

To view “my review history”, the user has to be log in. Also, (s)he has to be logged in for the ratings to appear here. At which point is the user offered the opportunity to log in?
The user will be asked to log in only when trying to access the "review history" section. This is not relevant to those users who do not want to record their own review history, but may be an interesting option for frequent users.

At this point, we have a pretty good idea on how were going to proceed next year. Only thing we need now is more information on next years course, e.g. what kind of resources and time frame we are going to have. No one of our group knows how to code, which will surely make things more difficult.

Dec 6, 2012

Concept presentation

Last week, we presented our concept to both our client on Monday, and our classmates on Thursday. What was really positive was that our contact person from the ministry of environment seemed to be very pleased with our presentation. The only major thing he wanted to change was moving from an area based thinking into location based thinking. This means, that we wouldn't give the user the chance to rate a certain city, like Helsinki, or a part of the city, like Arabia in Helsinki, but instead we should just ask him to rate his current location within a 1 km range.

This proved to be really problematic to change by our thursday's presentation, and resulted in some critique about the user friendliness of the app. I perfectly understand this critique, since we were struggling with this problem quite a bit, and it was good to hear that others had similar thoughts to ours. I was a little disappointed though that we didn't receive that much of constructive criticism, or ideas on how this could work better, but we were only told that this doesn't quite work. Which we already knew. This is also our fault, since we failed to send the presentation to our opponents in time, which was partly due to lack of information, and partly due to the changes we still had to make after discussing with the client on Monday.

So what we will have to do, is to really think about this location vs. area thing, and hopefully talk to a person with more experience on GIS systems. What makes this problem really tricky is that whichever solution we decide to go with, it should be applied consistently throughout the app, so both in the review tool, and in the results tool.

Overall, the presentation to our class gave some valuable ideas on what we will have to develop further, but I have to say that most comments were about the exactly same things we already had considered, over and over, and didn't help us get any closer to a solution. At this point, perhaps we would have needed a more in depth discussion with someone who has experience from building an app like this. The suggestion to discuss with the research group responsible for creating the urban mediator app was really helpful, and we might also contact the GIS department in Otaniemi. I met one of their professors Paula Ahonen-Rainio a few weeks ago when she was giving a guest lecture on cartography at our school, and she seemed really interested in helping us find the GIS knowledge we need to further develop this app. There apparently is a whole master's degree program dedicated to GIS systems in Otaniemi, so perhaps we could find someone from there to help us in the app development during spring, if needed. We currently have no info on the spring's course, so it's hard to plan that far ahead yet.

We will meet with the client again tomorrow. We will go through the same questions we presented in our presentation, and hopefully agree that the next step is to consult people with more expertise on our subject.

Nov 25, 2012

Why should this app exist?

As we have already explained in previous posts, our design task is to create an app for the ministry of the environment, with which the user can rate the state of his/her local environment and see the ratings from other people. What we haven’t discussed though, is why this app is important, and what kind of data were actually dealing with.

The data set

The problem in our case is, that we don’t have any pre-collected data – since we are supposed to design the data gathering method – and that the data collected will be really subjective. We want to keep the rating questionnaire as simple as possible, probably just asking “How would you rate the state of the environment in your current location (city + country, for example), but this leads to the problem of how different people define ‘environment’. After all, the environment has much more to it than just the nature. Also, we want to give users the opportunity to send a photo or a comment with their review to better explain why a place has been rated a certain way.

The users

Last Thursday, we had a concept development workshop in which we had to clearly define what our main target group and motivation for using the app is. This was really helpful, since it made us think of new viewpoints to the problem, as well as to better define our target group, which was pretty vaguely defined before the workshop.

This application will create data that can serve as a base for analyzing the environment, as well as directing resources to fixing the issues that local people find important. For this reason our ideal user would be an influencer in an organization dealing with issues related to local environment: these people can benefit from reading the users’ reviews, and can help promote the app to people interested in their environment.  We expect a majority of these people to be young adults from 25 to 35 years old. Many people in this age group also have small children, which may motivate them further to improve their environment.

Below is a summary of our thoughts regarding the users and main motivation for using the app.

User groups

- Locals wanting to make an impact on their environment
- Organizations involved in environmental issues
- Environmentally aware tourists

Ideal user

- 25–35 year-old person interested in making an impact on the state of the environment
- Influencers in local organizations involved in environmental issues
   > Users believe their opinions are heard and acted upon
   > Organizations get valuable information on where to invest resources

User motivation – why to use the app?

- To make a positive impact on the state of the local environment
   > Providing local influencers the information on which they can act upon
- To give credit for environmentally sustainable actions
   > Comparing environmental data accross the globe
- The areas performing well can be credited for their good performance
   > For fun & information

Nov 14, 2012


Small addition to Local Environment project

Local in our project means that one can zoom into some bright green or dark black – or whatever in between – point to see very local evaluations which might be really interesting. At the same time this brings some problems such as that a local community might decide to vote their small area as an environmentally perfect place. On the other hand kind this kind of behaviour may also show environmental (social) values?

Maybe also in a world map more evaluated areas could have more actively blinking points? 

Local environment

On Local Environment project

Maybe everybody remembers how Pekka from the Ministry of Environment presented our Local Environment project? To put it short, it is an application for different media and for everybody to rate their environmental surroundings where ever they are. This means that the users have to allow the media to recognise their current location which they only evaluate visually, not numerically. Furthermore there are no rules on how to measure a good or bad environment – all is based on how the users feel (mutu in Finnish). After their evaluation a point will appear on a world map. So for instance if the local environment is extremely good – whatever that may mean – the point will be bright green, and if really bad, it will be dark black. We have been talking with Pekka about the colors, whether they are green and red which would be the worst combination for color blinds. Also there are other issues in using two colors. The idea of a wireframe blanket that covers the whole world means that there is a gradiant of colors between two given points which would create quite unexpected colors to areas that have not been evaluated. Unless of course the other color is black.

Three main issues in our local environment project: 
1. An attractive user interface that everybody wants load.
2. An evaluation app of the state of the environment at the current location.  
3. A world map – preferably in 3D, works in a small screen and is attractive – that shows the evaluation data by both the experts and the users.

So far our project has following problems:
1. Until there is no evaluation, which are the colors of land and sea? Maybe no colors, just white with black contours? Would the map only show the data from experts first? How would the users’ evaluation of the environment differ from the experts’? Different color combination maybe? Or users: green-black, experts the same but with more desaturated colors?
My idea is that when starting to get data from users the contrast would grow and slowly cover experts’ data. After which the user could compare datas? How?
2. Another thing Pekka has raised is comparing data with neighbouring countries as in global environment project. I have problems in understanding how all these different aspects can be combined?

So please, if any of you have some ideas, comment.

Now we have decided not to meet with Pekka (from the Ministery) every week, but to meet when we have something more finished visuals to show him, so it would be easier to talk. So this is our aim in the near future. Also what Markku said made me think: How to make the application so attractive that somebody would really want to use it. This is my main focus now.

Nov 8, 2012

Let’s talk about Windows 8 --- Metro Start

Microsoft claim that they want to redesign the whole operating system through the Windows 8. Anyway, we can not stop her hit whatever we prefer of not.

Let me introduce some features of windows8.

“compatible PC and Tablet” “ introduced Metro UI "

Windows 8 support for tablet, while apply the design style from Windows Phone's Metro UI. The truth is a lot of interaction design is for tablet.

Three important influence on design
(1) modern design - the Bauhaus (decrease elements to show the nature)
(2) internationalism graphic design style - Swiss graphic design style (clear, true and beautiful)
(3)dynamic design - the art of film (animation to stimulate user)

People are always busy in their real life, so we need a fast, simple, direct, clear design.
Windows 8 design inspired by all kinds of navigation in subway stations, airports, etc.. People can obtain the information they want even eager to run around.

Metro UI application --- Metro start
  Metro UI is the main design style of Windows 8,especially for the Metro Start, it was in 1992 when the first "start menu" show up. Its original idea is to replace the "application management" to start the computer task. After experiencing a series of improvements, but there are still a variety of defects.

Metro Start improved Windows start menu, taskbar, notification and gadgets. It made a try as follows:
(1) expand the most commonly used area
(2) Metro Start customization
(3) larger operating space

Actually, Start has more than just a menu now. It occupies the whole screen, replacing the previous "desktop + Start menu", and carries more features. All Programs are here, the user can directly start the program here .
At the same time, it also has the following features:
(1) dynamic information: information on each block are dynamic, it presented carefully and clearly. User can customize the information, such as a city forecasts or the contents of a magazine. Get some information before you start the application.
(2) customization: the location of the blocks can easily drag and drop. User can put the most commonly used applications on the Home screen.
(3) design for touch: each block area is large enough so that it can be easily selected by finger. Each block is clicked as a whole area, not divide into the clicks region.
(4) Global view: on the touch pad, you can zoom out or zoom in your Start menu like a map, which helps you to select the application quickly.
(5) Click (not double click) to open the program.
(6) Blocks have two sizes, you can customize them. Choosing which size depends on whether the information of the application needs to be displayed. Information is not displayed on the small sized block.

I think maybe we can find some useful information from the Metro Start UI design for our app, it's like "expand the most commonly used area", "customization" or "larger operating space", or maybe for just open mind through sharing...

Oct 28, 2012

Design project: State of the local environment

As our design project, we are creating a concept for gathering people's opinions of their local environment. The project is made for the Ministry of Environment, and this concept will hopefully lead to a prototype created in the spring during the course Dynamic Visualization Design 2.

The design task here is to create a visualization of the two areas involved in this opinion gathering task:
  1. Visualizing the data gathering method, e.g. a survey which the ministry hopes to be a cross platform app to use with primarily mobile, but also desktop devices.
  2. Visualizing the gathered data, meaning the answers given via the app used to gather opinions.
Getting this project started has not perhaps been the easiest task. It is natural that as a team with all members having really varied backgrounds we all start to do our own things without paying that much attention to the big picture. This is well described by the fact that only a week after first hearing about the assignment we were already discussing what colors to use and where to add what kind of dots, though we hadn't even began to envision why anyone would actually want to use the app.

So, we needed to take a step back, create an outline and a scope for this project, and start putting the user before our what's-your-favorite-color discussions. Below is how we restricted the scope of this project, and divided it into relevant phases. 

I find this project espscially challenging because I have no prior experience in mobile app development and I don't have adequate knowledge of the GIS (Geolocation Information System) technology on which our visualizations should be based on. I don't think anyone in our group has good knowledge on this, so it will require a lot of effort to make this app happen.

But then again the less you know the more you learn, and fortunately our contact person from the ministry seems to be very motivated and willing to spend time on creating something that everyone is happy with.

We'll continue next week with a group meeting where we will discuss the user motives, and meet with our contact person to present our ideas.

Our presentation on visual attention

Two of the previous posts have already discussed some of the topics we covered in our theory presentation on Thursday 25.10. in detail, so this post intends to sum up and give some examples of what we discussed.

First of all, why do we need visual attention? 

Wouldn't it be more convenient to just perceive everything so we wouldn't miss out on important information?

When thinking about the amount of visual stimuli around us, it would be impossible for our brain to attend to everything and process it in a way that would allow us to effectively act upon the visual information we receive from our surroundings.

How does visual attention affect our perception?

According to Wolfe (2002) there are four types of "seeing" with different levels of attention:
1) Vision before attention: Some information is available prior to directing attention to an object
2) Vision with attention: Attention enables visual processing
3) Vision after attention: What happens after attention is deployed away from an object?
4) Vision without attention: What about the visual stimuli we never attend to?

The full text is available here for those interested in finding out more.

What does it mean that we don't perceive everything that goes on around us?

Here is a really good video you should watch to see this effect by yourself. Watch it now before reading on, because otherwise it's spoiled.

The idea is that when you focus closely to a task you omit all other, non-task-related information. In this case, the lady with an umbrella is unrelevant to the task at hand, so we fail to se her. At least I did the first time i watched the video.

This also happens when reading and searching information from the web. Commonly known as banner blindness, we are able to filter out information we don't expect to be relevant. If you have worked with or researched advertising, you might know that this is how the 'weak theory of advertising' explains what kind of ads affect us, suggesting this also happens outside the web environment.

How about our visual memory?

Simply put, its really bad. Watch this video if you don't believe it.

How bad our visual memory really is is pretty scary. I came across a really interesting presentation by Daniel Simmons about inattentional blindness. It's recorded at TEDxUIUC 2010 (4/10/10), and has really good examples on the real life implications of visual attention, and what it causes us to omit.

Visual attention can truly be a matter of life and death, as Simmons explains in his example on death rows based in eye witness testimonies gone wrong.

Finally, here are our presentation slides.

Oct 18, 2012

Visual Fixation

Fixation or visual fixation is the maintaining of the visual gaze on a single location. Humans (and other animals with a fovea) typically alternate saccades and visual fixations, the notable exception being in smooth pursuit, controlled by a different neural substrate that appear to have developed for hunting prey. 

Contrary to the old view, fixations are not simply the absence of eye movement; they are made up of much smaller movements. This is because should your eye be truly still, you would not actually be able to see as no neurons would fire. This has been demonstrated by retinal stabilization studies; a method of this is securing a contact lenses with a target image upon the eye; the visual stimulus moves in the same direction, speed and amplitude as the eye, so that the retinal image remains stable as eye movements are cancelled out.

After a few seconds, the image on the retina fades, thus showing that eye movements are needed to maintain visibility; there are three types of eye movements that support fixations.The photoreceptors need continuous stimulation to maintain visibility on a target, and there are three movements that make up fixations that achieve this. They are microsaccades, ocular drifts, and ocular microtremor. 

Microsaccades are miniature saccades, movement that corrects ocular drift and prevents fading. They are small, jerk-like, involuntary eye movements, similar to miniature versions of voluntary saccades. They typically occur during prolonged visual fixation (of at least several seconds), not only in humans, but also in animals with foveal vision (primates, cats, etc.). Microsaccade amplitudes vary from 2 to 120 arcminutes. 

It is notable that microsaccades have limited correctional accuracy, and also occur regardless of ocular drift. Furthermore, it was found that microsaccades are naturally suppressed by participants in complex attentional vision tasks such as threading a needle, suggesting that microsaccadic activity varies alongside the levels of focus, thus opening up new questions on how necessary microsaccades are. 

Ocular drifts are slow, random eye movements that drift away from the target of interest, and are said to be a consequence of neural noise.

Ocular microtremor is a constant, physiological, high frequency (peak 80Hz), low amplitude (estimated circa 150-2500nm) tremor of the eye, constant during the fixation period. Aside from stimulating the photoreceptors, the role of tremors in vision remains unclear. Although many aspects of these collective movements are under investigation to determine the purpose in vision, it is widely concluded that ocular drifts, micro saccades and tremors are at least necessary for maintaining visibility during fixations.

Oct 17, 2012

Visual Attention – Focus And Saccades

Our visual system differs from a digital camera in the way it detects and processes color but also in its resolution. On a digital camera’s photo censor, photoreceptive elements are spread uniformly in a tight matrix, so the spatial resolution is constant across the entire image frame. The human visual system is not like that.
The spatial resolution of the human visual field drops greatly from the center to the edges. Each eye has approximately six million retinal cone cells. They are packed much more tightly in the center of our visual field – a small region called the fovea – than they are at the edges of the retina. The fovea is only about 1% of the retina, but the brain’s visual cortex devotes about 50% of its area to input from the fovea. Furthermore, foveal cone cells connect 1:1 to the ganglian neuron cells that begin the processing and transmission of visual data, while elsewhere on the retina, multiple photoreceptor cells (cones and rods) connect to each ganglion cell. In technical terms, information from the visual periphery is compressed (with data loss) before transmission to the brain, while information from the fovea is not. All this causes our vision to have much, much greater resolution in the center of our visual field than elsewhere (Lindsay, P., Norman, D.A., Human information processing, 1972; Waloszek, G., Vision and Visual Disabilities: An Introduction, 2005).
To visualize how small the fovea is compared to your entire visual field, hold your arm straight out and look at your thumb. Your thumbnail, viewed at arm’s length, corresponds approximately to the fovea (Ware, C., Visual Thinking for Design, 2008). While you have your eyes focused on the thumbnail, everything else in your visual field falls outside of your fovea on your retina.
In the fovea, people with normal vision have very high resolution: they can resolve several thousand dots within that region – better resolution than many of today’s pocket digital cameras. Just outside of the fovea, the resolution is already down to a few dozen dots per inch viewed at arm’s length. At the edges of our vision, the “pixels” of our visual system are as large as a melon (or human head) at arm’s length.
If our peripheral vision has such low resolution, one might wonder why we don’t see the world in a kind of tunnel vision where everything is out of focus except what we are directly looking at now. Instead, we seem to see our surroundings sharply and clearly all around us. We experience this illusion because our eyes move rapidly and constantly about three times per second even when we don’t realize it, focusing our fovea on selected pieces of our environment. Our brain fills in the rest in a gross, impressionistic way based upon what we know and expect. Our brain does not have to maintain a high-resoltion mental model of our environment because it can order eyes to sample and resample details in the environment as needed (Clark, A., Being There: Putting brain, body, and world together again, 1998).
For example when reading your eyes dart around, scanning and reading. No matter where on the page your eyes are focused, you have the impression of viewing a complete page of text, because, of course, you are. 
Related to this is the fact that the center of our visual field – the fovea and a small area immediately surrounding it – is the only part of our visual field that can read. The rest of our visual field cannot read. What this really means is that the neural networks starting in the fovea, running through the optic nerve to the visual cortex, and then spreading into various parts of our brain, have been trained to read, but the neural networks starting elsewhere in our retinas cannot read. All text that we read comes into our visual system after being scanned by the central area, which means that reading requires a lot of eye movement (Johnson, Jeff, Designing with the Mind in Mind, 2010)

Each eye is moved by six muscles. The tendon passes through a ‘pulley’ in the skull, in front of the eyeball. The eyes are in continuous movement, and they move in various ways. When the eyes are moved around, searching for an object, they move quite differently from the way they move when a moving object is being followed with the eyes. When searching, they move in a series of small rapid jerks, but when following they move smoothly. The jerks are known as saccades (after an old French word meaning ‘the flick of a sail’). Apart from these two main types of movement, there is also a continuous small high-frequency tremor.
It turns out that the saccadic movements of the eyes are essential to vision. It is possible to fix the image on the retina so that whenever the eye moves, the images move with it and so remain fixed on the retina. When the image is optically stabilised vision fades after a few seconds, and so it seems that part of the function of eye movements is to sweep the image over the receptors so that they do not adapt and so cease to signal to the brain the presence of the image in the eye. But there is a curious problem: when we look at a sheet of white paper, the edges of the image of the paper will move around on the retina, and so stimulation will be renewed; but consider now the centre of the image. Here the small movements of the eyes can have no effect, for a region of given brightness is substituted for another region of exactly the same brightness, and so no change in stimulation takes place with the small eye movements. Yet the middle of the paper does not fade away. This suggests that borders and outlines are very important in perception. Large areas of constant intensity provide no information. They seem to be ‘inferred’ from the signal borders: the central visual system makes up the missing signals. (Gregory R.L., Eye and Brain – The psychology of seeing, 3rd Ed., 1978)

We constantly make eye movements to seek information. Moving our eyes causes different parts of the visual environment to be imaged on the high-resolution fovea, where we can see detail. These movements are frequent, between two and five jerky movements, called saccades, per second.
In visual search task, the eye moves rapidly from fixation to fixation. The dwell period is generally between 200 and 600 msec, and the saccade takes between 20 and 100 msec. The peak velocity of a saccade can be as much as 900°/sec (Hallett, P.E., Eye movements. In Handbook of Perception and Human Performance, 1986; Barfield, W., Hendrix, et al., Comparison of human sensory capabilities with technical spefications of virtual environment equipment. Presence 4(4), 1995).
Saccadic eye movements are said to be ballistic. This means that once brain decides to switch attention and make an eye movement, the muscle signals for accelerating and decelerating the eye are first programmed, then the program is run to make the eye movement. The movement cannot be adjusted in mid-saccade. During the course of a saccadic eye movement, we are less sensitive to visual input than we normally are. This is called saccadic suppression (Riggs, L.A., Merton, et al., Suppression of visual phosphenes during saccadic eye movements. Vision Research 14, 1974). The implication is that certain kinds of events can easily be missed if they occur while we happen to be moving our eyes.
Another implication of saccadic suppression is that it is reasonable to think of information coming into the visual system as a series of discrete snapshots. The brain is often processing rapid sequences of discrete images. This capacity is being increasingly exploited in television advertising, in which several cuts per second of video have become commonplace. (Ware, Colin, Information Visualization: Perception for Design, 2nd Ed., 2004).